I am Rhea Sukthanker and I am a PhD Student at the Machine Learning Lab, University of Freiburg, supervised by Prof. Dr. Frank Hutter. Prior to starting my PhD studies I completed my masters at ETH Zurich where I worked at the Computer Vision Lab in the area of Neural Architecture Search and Normalizing Flows. I was supervised at CVL by Dr. Zhiwu Huang and Dr. Suryansh Kumar. My research interests broadly lie in the area of Efficient and Multi-Objective Neural Architecture Search. I am also interested in applying NAS for structural pruning of LLMs and maintian and develop whittle, a library for automated LLM pruning. When I am not coding or reading papers I like to spend my time going for long walks in nature, writing poetry, crocheting or experimenting with new recipes.


September 2024 HW-GPT-Bench Accepted at NeurIPS 2024 DBT Track

September 2023 Two papers accepted at NeurIPS 2023 (one oral)

Jan 2023 We released a new survey on Neural Architecture Search: Insights from 1000 Papers

Feb 2022 I started my PhD studies with a focus on Efficient and Multi-Objective Neural Architecture Search at Machine Learning Lab, University of Freiburg

Jan 2022 One paper accepted at CVPR 2022

June 2021 One paper accepted at IJCAI 2021

Conference Reviewer

NeurIPS 2023

ICLR 2023