Mixtakes to avoid when uploading to arxiv (from overleaf)


Few tips and tricks on uploading your papers from overleaf to arxiv

  1. Try to upload your first project to arxiv on your own, rather than having a senior author do it for you (since you will end up doing this a lot eventually).
  2. The .bbl file: Make sure to include the .bbl file in your project directory. You can download this from the overleaf compile logs.
  3. Avoid naming your figure with non alpha-numeric characters as much as possible, this will save time in future in fixing the naming when uploading to arxiv.
  4. Use \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} instead of \usepackage{graphicx}. This will in future avoid errors with figure formats when uploading to arxiv.
  5. Try to follow the following structure and naming convention, when you start with your project:

     1.  ```figures/``` : directory for all possible plots/figures in the paper
     2. ```sections/```: directory for individual main sections of the paper. It is a good practice to have section number at the start of individual tex files eg: ```1_abstract.tex```.
     3. The root project directory should then contain your ```main.tex``` and ```main.bib``` etc.